What’s Up with Twitter?

On October 7th while watching the Vice Presidential Debate and tweeting with millions of people, suddenly Twitter–without any warning–“temporarily suspended” my Twitter account @postofficetruth. I have been on Twitter since 2012 and never had my Twitter feed suspended. Why now?

I have sent messages to Twitter and they claim I violated “Twitter Rules” yet when I ask them, “What rules,” I get crickets. The responses seem to be from a computer instead of a real person.

I do admit that I was tweeting quite a lot during the debate, especially regarding the fact that it was hard to watch while VP Pence kept going over his time a lot even while the moderator, Susan Page, kept trying to tell him to stop by saying, “Thank you…”
Thank you…” Pence, like Trump, failed to comply with agreed-upon debate rules about adhering to their time limit and Pence just kept on talking over the moderator when she tried to alert him that his time was up.

If you are on Twitter, please ask @Twitter and @Jack to restore my Twitter feed and/or explain what I need to do to restore it.

Given our current climate in the United States, my primary focus includes:

  1. Protecting our US Postal Service and now especially ensuring that the postal workers get everything they need to stay safe from COVID19.
  2. Making sure the current Postmaster General DeJoy abides by the many recent judicial orders given to him to restore the US Postal Service by putting back mail sorting equipment immediately and enabling postal workers to get overtime.
  3. Ensuring that our 2020 Election is free from foreign and domestic interference and especially foul play and Voter Suppression tactics.

Meanwhile, I will be putting out more stories here on my blog until I can get my Twitterfeed restored.

The question we need to ask is:

Who else had their Twitter Feed suddenly without any warning “temporarily suspended” on October 7, 2020 during or after the VP Debate?

Twitter is instituting new rules to protect all of us from “misinformation”. However, is something wrong with Twitter’s algorithms and policing methods? I also noticed that @TheBradBlog that reports accurate in-depth information about voting issues also had his Twitter account restricted.

Twitter, if you’re listening, please stop blocking people giving correct election information, especially since we are only a few days away from November 3rd!

I urge everyone to please be safe.

Wear a mask. Social distance. Wear eye protection and above all, Vote and get your family, friends and colleagues to vote.

Thank you!

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