Trump Needs to Resign or Be Removed by Impeachment or the 25th Amendment Before 1/20/21


Today, January 6, 2021, Trump incited his protestors to violence and seditious acts. Trump’s supporters breached the Capitol building, attacked police and bystanders, destroyed government property, defiled spaces of various politicians and bragged about their lawlessness on social media. Trump gave an incendiary ranting speech in front of the White House today, and his base then rushed to the Capitol to display their displeasure that lawmakers were in session counting the electoral votes that would ensure Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would be installed on January 20, 2021 as President and Vice President.

It’s over. It’s time that Donald Trump stop whining and moping and being a poor loser. He lost the 2020 election legally. It’s time for him to accept reality, concede graciously and prepare to move on and move out of the White House. Just as President Barack Obama ensured a seamless transition in 2016 through January 20, 2017, Donald Trump needs to ensure Joe Biden has everything he needs to be ready to take over on day one.

If Trump continues to refuse to assist in a peaceful transition of power, he needs to be removed from office or forced to resign immediately. As we experienced today, 1/6/21, Trump is a danger to Democracy. He committed seditious acts today. There needs to be a full investigation into whether this event was planned behind the scenes and if people within the Capitol planned to let protestors freely breach the restricted areas. Why are some police seen taking selfies with protestors?

The events that occurred today in Washington DC are abnormal. Trump’s behavior is abnormal.

Moments ago Joe Biden formally received over 306 electoral votes overseen by Vice President Mike Pence in the Joint Session of Congress. If Trump still refuses to accept that Joe Biden is the lawfully elected President, then Trump needs to be removed from office before he does more damage to our democracy. He is unfit.

Politico reported today, 1/6/21:

“Donald Trump caused this insurrection with lies and conspiracy theories about the election being rigged against him,” said Scott Jennings, a former aide to President George W. Bush who is close to the Trump White House. “The election was not stolen but this madness was fomented by the president and his advisors.”

‘He screwed the country’: Trump loyalty disintegrates
by Gabby Orr, Anita Kumar and Meridith McGraw 1/06/2021 | politico

President-elect Joe Biden addresses the nation in midst of Trump protestors breaking into the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

#CNN #News
See Biden’s speech as rioters invade Capitol

President-elect Joe Biden speaks as a pro-Trump mob invades the US Capitol as Congress was trying to certify the 2020 election.

Trump Admits He Lost the 2020 Election


Donald Trump knows and admitted behind closed doors he lost the 2020 Election. He should, therefore, immediately call off the ridiculous theatrical shenanigans planned today, January 6, 2021, during the counting of the electoral votes, and instead, Trump should honor the will of American voters in the November 3, 2020 election that chose Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States.

Trump and his allies have now lost 62 lawsuits in their bid to overturn the election.

Politico reported on January 5, 2021:

“Donald Trump has privately acknowledged he lost the presidency. He knows that Joe Biden will replace him. He recognizes Congress will formally certify the results on Wednesday.”

Trump even confided he was “just disappointed we lost.”

Politico | Trump privately admits it’s over, but wants to brawl for attention
by Anita Kumar

All 10 Former Living Defense Secretaries urge Trump administration to allow a peaceful transition to Biden Administration

PBS News Hour |Former defense secretary urges top brass to resign or resist questionable Trump orders
All 10 living former secretaries of defense signed a column published in The Washington Post on Sunday that urged the Trump administration to allow a peaceful transition of power and to keep the Pentagon out of it. One of the signatories was William Cohen, a former Republican senator who served as secretary of defense under President Bill Clinton. He joins Judy Woodruff to discuss. January 5, 2021

Trump decided it was OK to spread COVID-19 and infect people…


Today, evidence surfaced from emails that proved Trump subscribed to infecting as many people as possible from “advisors” who said “herd immunity” was OK without a vaccine. With over 300,000 Americans dead from Covid-19, the Trump “herd immunity” without vaccine policy basically is mass murder. Even though there are emails that support this view, now that the emails have surfaced, the Trump administration denies this. However, Trump is on videotape talking about “herd immunity” earlier this year.

When real scientists talk about “herd immunity” it is always coupled with vaccines. The idea is that when more people are vaccinated against a particular illness, there will be “herd immunity” from that disease. However, some crackpot advisors like Dr. Atlas and Paul Alexander in the Trump administration called for “herd immunity” without vaccines because it would take too long to wait for a vaccine. Emails released today show the back story about the Trump administration’s possible national policy of being fine with killing people through herd immunity without vaccines because of the “economy”. There is no other way to spin this.

The Remedy

We need a COVID-19 Commission to study how, why, and what the Trump administration did, didn’t do, and what happened that caused the U.S. to have the most infections in the world and the most deaths of any other country. This is a badge of disgrace that the outgoing Trump administration will bear forever. We need to make sure going forward that no future U.S. administrations make the same mistakes and policy decisions that the Trump administration made that resulted in possibly hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths during a pandemic.

#ChrisHayes #TrumpCovidPlan #MSNBC
‘We Want Them Infected’: Chris Hayes On Emails Revealing Truth Of Trump Covid Plan | All In | MSNBC
Chris Hayes: “Donald Trump and our government under his leadership explicitly pursued a strategy to spread the virus, to get more people sick. They took the side of Covid. They had the same aims as the virus. They were—as I said before—objectively pro-Covid.” Aired on 12/16/2020.
Trump Adopts Herd Immunity Covid Strategy Pushed By Fox News Doctor | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Rachel Maddow looks at what appears to be a deliberately poor job the Trump administration has done containing the coronavirus, the advocacy of Donald Trump’s preferred Fox News doctor, and the blurted comments by Trump himself to conclude that the U.S. is pursuing a herd immunity strategy. Aired on 09/16/2020.

Trump is on videotape talking about “herd” mentality which he meant to say as herd immunity.

Trump on Fox News: “Once you get to a certain number, it’s called “herd”, it’s going to go away.”

Trump: It would go away without the vaccine, George. But, it’s going to go away a lot faster with it.

Stephanopoulos: It will go away without the vaccine?

Trump: Sure, over a period of time. Sure, with time.

Stephanopoulos: With how many deaths?

Trump: Sure. You’ll develop like a “herd mentality.” It will be herd developed. And that’s going to happen. That will happen.

Trump speaking to FOX News and ABC News in Maddow Report about
Trump “Herd Immunity” policy /Strategy for Covid19 | Sept 19, 2020

Politico article by Dan Diamond today, 12/16/20: ‘We Want them infected’: Trump appointee demanded ‘herd immunity’ strategy

“Then science advisor called for millions of Americans to be infected as means of fighting Covid-19”

“Infants, kids, teens, young people, young adults, middle aged with no conditions etc. have zero to little risk….so we use them to develop herd…we want them infected…” Alexander added.

Politico Article “We Want Them Infected”…

Electors in 50 States Officially Cast 306 Electoral Votes for President Elect Joe Biden Securing His Election Win


It’s Official: Electors throughout the 50 United States cast their electoral votes today, December 14, 2020, for Joe Biden and Donald Trump. As the day progressed, electors from East to West and North to South voted according to how each state’s U.S. Citizens voted in the November 3rd, 2020 election. Joe Biden received 306 electoral votes, Donald Trump received 232 electoral votes confirming that Joe Biden is the 46th President of The United States who will be inaugurated on January 20th, 2021 together with Vice President Elect Kamala Harris.

Biden Delivers Remarks On Electoral College Vote Certification | NBC News
Watch as President-elect Joe Biden speaks from Wilmington, De., after the electoral college voted to make his victory in the 2020 election official.

Co-Founder of The Lincoln Project Talks About Preserving American Democracy on Amanpour & Co.

Lincoln Project’s Steve Schmidt: American Democracy Was Deliberately Poisoned | Amanpour and Company

President Trump’s impact on the Republican Party will be studied for decades to come. History will look not only at who joined the GOP in the Trump era, but also who left it. Steve Schmidt is among the latter. For decades a communications strategist working for President George W. Bush and Senator John McCain, Schmidt now denounces the party he once loved. He’s a co-founder of The Lincoln Project, a political action committee formed in 2019 by a group of Republicans determined to defeat Trump in the 2020 election. He joins Michel Martin to explain what’s next for the project and for the Party — and to discuss the struggle to preserve American democracy. Originally aired on December 8, 2020.

Is Trump Refusing to Officially Concede the Election Because Grifting his Supporters is Just Too Good To Stop Now?

Well, Yes, it certainly seems that way for Trump.

The Big Trump Swindle

#Corruption #Grift #DonaldTrump
The Real Reason Trump Won’t Concede | Robert Reich
Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich exposes how Trump is swindling his supporters through his meaningless “Official Election Defense Fund”.

Joe Biden has decisively won the presidency. There is no way for Trump to overturn the results of the election, and his campaign’s post-election lawsuits have gotten dismissed left and right. That hasn’t stopped him from launching an “Official Election Defense Fund” and bombarding his supporters with fundraising appeals to supposedly finance the campaign’s ongoing litigation efforts…

A supporter would have to individually donate over $8,000 before any money goes to the fund they think they’re supporting.

Robert Reich, Former Labor Secretary: The Real Reason Trump Won’t Concede

It’s Time to Start Conversations to Heal Our Nation

How To Talk To Your MAGA Friends & Family
Art Markman, Ph.D. breaks down how to talk to your MAGA family & friends

It’s Time For Donald Trump To Concede because He Lost the Election


Elections do have consequences, and it’s time for Donald Trump and his enablers to move on and allow the Biden transition team to have full access to everything, including the inauguration funds to prepare for Joe Biden’s inauguration. The fact that Donald Trump is trying to incite people to try to undo the will of the people is shocking and wrong.

Everyone has a right to free speech. However, when people threaten others as Trump’s followers have done to many hard-working election officials, both Democrats and Republicans, this is anti-democracy.

It’s time for the Republican Senate including Mitch McConnell to find their courage and stand up to Donald Trump and stop lying to Americans about the election. Biden won with 306 electoral votes and by over 7 million more votes than Trump.

It’s time to heal our nation and come together and work together for the common good.

Trump is Lying to the Public to Raise Money for Himself

So far, Trump has raised over $207 Million dollars since the November 3rd election. Where will this money go? Will it go to Trump directly and Republicans? I feel sorry for the people used by Trump to fill his coffers.

There are people who profit from promoting hate and division. There are people who use culture wars deliberately to distract from the real issues confronting America. As Robert Reich noted, if we can spend $2 Billion dollars a day on the Pentagon, we can find money to provide assistance to average people who aren’t billionaires or millionaires at this time.

#Trump #Election #MSNBC
Election Attorney Laments Anti-Democracy Trump Followers | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Marc Elias, founder of Democracy Docket and a veteran Democratic voting rights attorney who has played a key role in fighting Donald Trump’s bogus election challenges, talks with Rachel Maddow about how troubling it is that Republicans were so ready to discard democracy and fall in step behind Trump. Aired on 12/12/2020.

Georgia Election Official Speaks Out about Threats to Election Workers: “This has to stop!”


Gabriel Sterling, Georgia Election Official, courageously spoke out today calling on Mr. Donald Trump, Georgia Republican Senators, and their proxies, to stop trying to incite violence against election workers who are just doing their jobs. US Attorney General Bill Barr said today, Dec. 1, 2020, there is no evidence of election fraud in the 2020 election.

#Georgia #GOP #MSNBC
Georgia Election Official Condemns GOP Silence On Threats To Election Workers | The ReidOut | MSNBC | Dec. 1, 2020 (Excerpts)

Georgia Voting Implementation Manager Gabriel Sterling criticized Trump’s refusal to condemn threats against Georgia election officials: “This is the backbone of democracy, and all of you who have not said a damn word are complicit in this.” Aired on 12/1/2020.
#Georgia #GOP #NBCNews
Georgia Election Official Condemns Threats Of Violence, Slams Trump, GOP For Not Speaking Out | Dec. 1, 2020 (more complete) Georgia elections official Gabriel Sterling emotionally spoke out about the threats made toward election officials in the wake of the 2020 election, particularly criticizing President Trump and Republican lawmakers who have not spoken out.

“This has got to stop!…Mr. President it looks like you likely lost the state of Georgia…

Mr. President….It’s time to look forward…Everything we’re seeing right now, there’s not a path. Be the bigger man here, and stop and step in and tell your supporters, “Don’t be violent…Don’t intimidate.”

All that’s wrong. It’s UnAmerican.”

Gabriel Sterling, Georgia Election Official Speaks Out, December 1, 2020

Meanwhile, Attorney General William Barr, claims that there was no fraud in the 2020 election despite Trump’s constant lies that there was.

#Election #WilliamBarr #MSNBC
Barr: Justice Department Found No Evidence Of Fraud That Would Change Election Outcome | Katy Tur | December 1, 2020
Attorney General William Barr told the Associated Press that the Department of Justice has found no evidence of fraud that would change the result of the presidential election. NBC’s Pete Williams has details. Aired on 12/01/2020. » Subscribe to MSNBC: http://on.msn

“To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election.”

Bill Barr, United States Attorney General Dec. 1, 2020 on the 2020 Presidential Election
#CNN #News
Bill Barr: No evidence of fraud that would affect election outcome | Dec. 1, 2020 | CNN Attorney General Bill Barr told The Associated Press during an interview that the Justice Department hasn’t found fraud “on a scale that could have affected the outcome of the election.” #CNN #News

Trump is Trying to Steal the 2020 Election in Plain Site: Time to Immediately Stop The Trump Steal for Real


Donald Trump has now had over three weeks since November 7th to come to terms with the fact that he has been fired by 80 million legal American voters in the November 3, 2020 election. Over 51% of 2020 US voters decided it was time for Trump and Pence to leave the White House on January 20, 2021 and Biden and Harris to be inaugurated. However, Trump and his proxies like Senator Lindsey Graham are publicly interfering in state elections pressuring election officials and political figures to disenfranchise millions of voters. Trump wants to only count ballots that were cast for him. That’s anti-democratic. It’s what despots, dictators and thugs do. Finally, some Republicans are finding their spines and speaking out like Senators Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, Ben Sasse, Lamar Alexander and Congresswoman Lynn Cheney.

According to Politico, Lynn Cheney said on Saturday, November 21, 2020:

“America is governed by the rule of law. The President and his lawyers have made claims of criminality and widespread fraud, which they allege could impact election results. If they have genuine evidence of this, they are obligated to present it immediately in court and to the American people…If the President cannot prove these claims or demonstrate that they would change the election result, he should fulfill his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States by respecting the sanctity of our electoral process.”

Election Results 2016 v 2020:

Key States:

Michigan: In 2020, Biden received 14 times the votes that Trump received, or 150,000 more votes in Michigan than Trump received in 2016. In 2016 Trump only received 10,704 more votes in Michigan than Clinton.

Pennsylvania: In 2020, Biden received 81,000 more votes than Trump in Pennsylvania. In 2016 Trump only received 44,292 additional votes over Hillary Clinton in Pennsylvania.

#NealKatyal #Trump #MSNBC
Neal Katyal: All Of Trump’s Criminal Immunity Expires In About 60 Days | Deadline | MSNBC
Former U.S. acting solicitor general Neal Katyal explains the charges President Trump might face after he leaves office and the reason why his current legal efforts are incriminating him even more. Aired on 11/20/2020.

“If Trump hoped to avoid criminal prosecution, his post-election behavior basically guarantees it…You’ve got a guy, right now…conspiring with these Michigan Canvassers or these state legislators…It is a federal crime, it’s a state crime to try to take someone’s right to vote away…And that is what Trump is doing. He’s trying to perpetrate the largest act of disenfranchisement in our lifetime–hundreds of thousands of votes he’s trying to throw out…That is, if he’s conspiring to do it. And, it sure looks like he may be–a crime.”

Neal Katyal, former acting solicitor general, on MSNBC

MSNBC interview Nov. 20, 2020 with Neal Katyal
Judge dismisses Trump lawsuit in Pennsylvania | Reuters | November 21, 2020 President Trump faced new setback in his desperate bid to overturn the U.S. election as a federal judge dismissed a lawsuit filed by his campaign that sought to throw out millions of votes in Pennsylvania.
#JohnFetterman #Election #MSNBC
PA lt. Gov. Not Worried About Trump Scheme To Corrupt Election | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Words of wisdom from a fictional leader of a land called Wakanda, spoken at the end of the movie, Black Panther:

“We will work to be an example of how we as brothers and sisters on this earth should treat each other. Now more than ever, illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth, more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.”

”Black Panther” End Credits Scene “More connects us than separates us…”

Going Forward:

It’s time for Trump to face reality and allow the GSA Administrator to release resources for a peaceful transition to a Biden administration. Trump acknowledged how well he and Pence were treated by President Barack Obama and his team to prepare Trump for his administration beginning in November 2016.

Obama, Trump discuss peaceful transition of power at White House | Nov. 10, 2016

“My number one priority in the coming two months is to try to facilitate a transition that ensures our president elect is successful…It is important for all of us, regardless of party and regardless of political preferences, to now come together, work together to deal with the many challenges that we face…We want to make sure that they feel welcome as they prepare to make this transition…We now are going to do everything we can to help you succeed. If you succeed then the country succeeds.” President Barack Obama on helping Trump with transition on November 10, 2016

It’s time for Trump to stop trying to divert the will of the people and own up to the fact that Biden won the 2020 presidential election. It is time for Trump and Pence to do the right thing for the sake of a peaceful orderly transition starting now.

Are Senator Lindsey Graham and Trump Republicans Trying to Interfere with the 2020 Election?

You Betcha! Republican Georgia Secretary of State Raffensberger claims Republicans want him to throw out legal ballots.

The pressure on Raffensperger, who has bucked his party in defending the state’s voting process, comes as Georgia is in the midst of a laborious hand recount of about 5 million ballots. President-elect Joe Biden has a 14,000-vote lead in the initial count.

The normally mild-mannered Raffensperger saved his harshest language for Rep. Douglas A. Collins (R-Ga.), who is leading the president’s efforts in Georgia and whom Raffensperger called a “liar” and a “charlatan.”

“I’m an engineer. We look at numbers. We look at hard data,” Raffensperger said. “I can’t help it that a failed candidate like Collins is running around lying to everyone. He’s a liar.”

Georgia Secretary of State Says Republicans pressuring Him to Exclude Ballots | Washington Post

Trump and his proxies trying to steal the 2020 election remind me of the escapades of Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner. Currently, Trump and the GOP have filed 24 lawsuits and 23 of them seem to be thrown out or going nowhere. Here’s what election lawyer Marc E. Elias said on Twitter today:

Marc E. Elias Twitter comment 11/16/20 about Trump election lawsuits
Marc E. Elias Twitter account comments about Lindsey Graham’s efforts to get legal votes thrown out in Georgia

Looney Tuesdays | Coyote’s Best Failed Plans | Looney Tunes |WB Kids
Knowing that Wile E. Coyote never successfully carries out one single plan of his, here is a compilation of Coyote’s best failed plans
Joe Biden using a Ramp VS Trump using a ramp
#BradRaffensperger #GeorgiaSecretary #MSNBC
Ga. Sec. Of State Says Lindsey Graham Suggested He Find A Way To Toss Legal Ballots | All In | MSNBC

America Deserves a Smooth Peaceful Transition of Power from Trump to Biden Starting Now


It’s time for the Trump administration to provide full authorization and funding for the Biden Transition Team’s efforts to get up to speed now in preparation for Biden’s inauguration on January 20, 2021. Biden won the November 3, 2020 election getting 306 electoral votes and over 78.6 million votes.

The Trump Fraud about Voter Fraud

According to the New York Times:

Behind Trump’s Yearslong Effort to Turn Losing Into Winning –

The New York Times, Nov. 15, 2020

Obscured by the postelection noise over the president’s efforts to falsely portray the election system as “rigged” against him has been how much Mr. Trump and his allies did ahead of time to promote a baseless conspiracy devised to appeal to his most passionate supporters, providing him with the opportunity to make his historically anomalous bid to cling to power in the face of defeat.

The New York Times | Behind Trumps Years long Effort to Turn Losing Into Winning

Trump political theatre is tiresome and dangerous to our democracy. It’s time for Trump and his proxies to face reality and stand back from their false claims about the election. They are only using the echo chamber of social media and some news organizations to promote their ridiculous and baseless attacks on our election system.

Barack Obama’s advice to Donald Trump:

The advice Barack Obama would give President Trump | 60 Minutes November 15, 2020
“When your time is up then it is your job to put the country first and think beyond your own ego,” Obama says.

The Fake Trope of Trump Talking Points about “Legal Ballots”

Why do Trump folks and their proxies keep claiming in their vacuous talking points that the only so-called “legal ballots” are those cast for their guy?

This is America. The election was fair and free. Just because Trump and his folks are unhappy about the results fail to make them less legal. It just shows how Trump is a sore loser.

Note to Trump:

It is now time to release funds to the Biden Transition Team and give them full access to information for a smooth and peaceful transition. Even Charles Koch, one of the biggest Republican funders in recent U.S. history, congratulated Joe Biden and said:

“We certainly want to congratulate Biden and Harris for this historic win,” Koch said in a Zoom interview on Wednesday, even as most Republican lawmakers have yet to publicly acknowledge the electoral reality and the White House blocks the transition from moving ahead. “We’re going to be looking for common ground and things that we can work together on for as many issues as possible.”

The Daily 202: Charles Koch congratulates Biden and says he wants to work together on ‘as many issues as possible’ | Washington Post | November 13, 2020
Michael Stokes, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons