Electors in 50 States Officially Cast 306 Electoral Votes for President Elect Joe Biden Securing His Election Win


It’s Official: Electors throughout the 50 United States cast their electoral votes today, December 14, 2020, for Joe Biden and Donald Trump. As the day progressed, electors from East to West and North to South voted according to how each state’s U.S. Citizens voted in the November 3rd, 2020 election. Joe Biden received 306 electoral votes, Donald Trump received 232 electoral votes confirming that Joe Biden is the 46th President of The United States who will be inaugurated on January 20th, 2021 together with Vice President Elect Kamala Harris.

Biden Delivers Remarks On Electoral College Vote Certification | NBC News
Watch as President-elect Joe Biden speaks from Wilmington, De., after the electoral college voted to make his victory in the 2020 election official.

Co-Founder of The Lincoln Project Talks About Preserving American Democracy on Amanpour & Co.

Lincoln Project’s Steve Schmidt: American Democracy Was Deliberately Poisoned | Amanpour and Company

President Trump’s impact on the Republican Party will be studied for decades to come. History will look not only at who joined the GOP in the Trump era, but also who left it. Steve Schmidt is among the latter. For decades a communications strategist working for President George W. Bush and Senator John McCain, Schmidt now denounces the party he once loved. He’s a co-founder of The Lincoln Project, a political action committee formed in 2019 by a group of Republicans determined to defeat Trump in the 2020 election. He joins Michel Martin to explain what’s next for the project and for the Party — and to discuss the struggle to preserve American democracy. Originally aired on December 8, 2020.

Is Trump Refusing to Officially Concede the Election Because Grifting his Supporters is Just Too Good To Stop Now?

Well, Yes, it certainly seems that way for Trump.

The Big Trump Swindle

#Corruption #Grift #DonaldTrump
The Real Reason Trump Won’t Concede | Robert Reich
Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich exposes how Trump is swindling his supporters through his meaningless “Official Election Defense Fund”.

Joe Biden has decisively won the presidency. There is no way for Trump to overturn the results of the election, and his campaign’s post-election lawsuits have gotten dismissed left and right. That hasn’t stopped him from launching an “Official Election Defense Fund” and bombarding his supporters with fundraising appeals to supposedly finance the campaign’s ongoing litigation efforts…

A supporter would have to individually donate over $8,000 before any money goes to the fund they think they’re supporting.

Robert Reich, Former Labor Secretary: The Real Reason Trump Won’t Concede

It’s Time to Start Conversations to Heal Our Nation

How To Talk To Your MAGA Friends & Family
Art Markman, Ph.D. breaks down how to talk to your MAGA family & friends