Trump Admits He Lost the 2020 Election


Donald Trump knows and admitted behind closed doors he lost the 2020 Election. He should, therefore, immediately call off the ridiculous theatrical shenanigans planned today, January 6, 2021, during the counting of the electoral votes, and instead, Trump should honor the will of American voters in the November 3, 2020 election that chose Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States.

Trump and his allies have now lost 62 lawsuits in their bid to overturn the election.

Politico reported on January 5, 2021:

“Donald Trump has privately acknowledged he lost the presidency. He knows that Joe Biden will replace him. He recognizes Congress will formally certify the results on Wednesday.”

Trump even confided he was “just disappointed we lost.”

Politico | Trump privately admits it’s over, but wants to brawl for attention
by Anita Kumar

All 10 Former Living Defense Secretaries urge Trump administration to allow a peaceful transition to Biden Administration

PBS News Hour |Former defense secretary urges top brass to resign or resist questionable Trump orders
All 10 living former secretaries of defense signed a column published in The Washington Post on Sunday that urged the Trump administration to allow a peaceful transition of power and to keep the Pentagon out of it. One of the signatories was William Cohen, a former Republican senator who served as secretary of defense under President Bill Clinton. He joins Judy Woodruff to discuss. January 5, 2021

It’s Time For Donald Trump To Concede because He Lost the Election


Elections do have consequences, and it’s time for Donald Trump and his enablers to move on and allow the Biden transition team to have full access to everything, including the inauguration funds to prepare for Joe Biden’s inauguration. The fact that Donald Trump is trying to incite people to try to undo the will of the people is shocking and wrong.

Everyone has a right to free speech. However, when people threaten others as Trump’s followers have done to many hard-working election officials, both Democrats and Republicans, this is anti-democracy.

It’s time for the Republican Senate including Mitch McConnell to find their courage and stand up to Donald Trump and stop lying to Americans about the election. Biden won with 306 electoral votes and by over 7 million more votes than Trump.

It’s time to heal our nation and come together and work together for the common good.

Trump is Lying to the Public to Raise Money for Himself

So far, Trump has raised over $207 Million dollars since the November 3rd election. Where will this money go? Will it go to Trump directly and Republicans? I feel sorry for the people used by Trump to fill his coffers.

There are people who profit from promoting hate and division. There are people who use culture wars deliberately to distract from the real issues confronting America. As Robert Reich noted, if we can spend $2 Billion dollars a day on the Pentagon, we can find money to provide assistance to average people who aren’t billionaires or millionaires at this time.

#Trump #Election #MSNBC
Election Attorney Laments Anti-Democracy Trump Followers | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Marc Elias, founder of Democracy Docket and a veteran Democratic voting rights attorney who has played a key role in fighting Donald Trump’s bogus election challenges, talks with Rachel Maddow about how troubling it is that Republicans were so ready to discard democracy and fall in step behind Trump. Aired on 12/12/2020.

Biden won the election and Trump holes up in his own personal bunker in his mind


Enough already! It’s time for the adults in the room to notify Donald Trump that he has to stop his temper tantrums where in fits of anger, revenge, refusal to face reality, grief over losing the election, and ‘fill-in-the-blank’ reasons, he fires top leaders in his administration and installs political toadies and hacks who have no experience to be in those positions. The problem is when it comes to our Defense Department and intelligence positions, this is dangerous for the U.S., Democracy and the world.

Then there’s Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and the Republican spineless crew that refuse to speak truth to Trump that it’s time for him to grow up and stop acting like a two-bit dictator because he lost the election.

Joe Biden Assembles a Pandemic Task Force: While the pandemic is raging in the U.S. and we have more people infected and dead from COVID-19 than anywhere in the world, Trump is acting less like a leader of the U.S. and more like a child having a meltdown because someone else won at the party. The only person acting like a real president and leader is President-elect Joe Biden who has already appointed a special pandemic task force of people who actually have expertise in science and medicine. Biden’s pandemic task force has no requirement for it’s members to sign a loyalty oath. That’s refreshing! So far, Joe Biden, being the responsible adult in the room, is urging everyone in the U.S. to wear a mask to save thousands of lives. Wearing a face mask has been proven to increase the chances of protecting the wearer from COVID-19 infection and also from the mask-wearer from possibly infecting others. That’s a good thing.

Joe Biden assembles “pandemic taskforce” ahead of taking office – BBC News, Nov. 9, 2020

Georgia: Battleground Election to Determine Control of the U.S. Senate

The reality is that Republicans still have no guarantee that they will retain control over the U.S. Senate. There is a good chance that if Democrats can register voters and turn out the vote for the January 2021 Senate Georgia Run-off election, they will be able to take back the Senate. Also, Alaska still has thousands of mail-in ballots to count beginning on Thursday, November 12, 2020 when all mail-in ballots must be received.

Meanwhile, what the heck is Trump trying to do? Is he doing a slow moving coup? Is he lying to the public to raise money for his lawsuits and debts and, therefore, trying to keep his base upset so Trump can still collect money for his own personal purposes? Or, is Trump really trying to set the stage to refuse to leave the White House?

Dahlia Lithwick: Trump’s Ridiculous Coup Attempt Will Fail, But It Will Hurt Democracy in Long Run | Democracy Now! November 11, 2020

As President Trump continues to launch baseless accusations of widespread voter fraud in the presidential election, Democratic and Republican election officials across the United States have told The New York Times they uncovered no evidence to support Trump’s claims. Despite his electoral defeat, Trump has not conceded, and his administration is proceeding as though it will continue into a second term, blocking President-elect Joe Biden from accessing government funding and other resources for a smooth transition. “The entire country is trying to figure out: Is this just going to go away?” says Dahlia Lithwick, senior editor at Slate magazine. “Or are we really in this slow-rolling denialist attempt to give this man a second term?”

Democracy Now! Interview with Dahlia Lithwick

It’s Time to Save Our US Postal Service Now

Postal workers are essential workers. During the COVID-19 pandemic hundreds of thousands of dedicated postal workers tirelessly deliver our mail to residences and businesses throughout the United States. In order for millions of US citizens to safely vote, mail-in ballots are necessary more than ever to enable Americans to be able to exercise their right to vote and have their vote counted as cast. It’s time to give USPS the support it needs to continue providing crucial services to all Americans.

Congress has included $25 Billion COVID-19 relief to the US Postal Service in a bill passed by the House. However, Senate Leader Mitch McConnell wants to only give USPS a “loan” of $10 Billion. This is unfair, especially at this time when workers need appropriate PPE in order to carry out their work safely.

In a recent article posted by the (American Postal Workers Union), author, Debby Szeredy wrote:

Over the years, we have had cuts. Did you know that 54,678 post offices have been closed? We have 31,322 post offices left. There are 10,678 zip codes that don’t have a post office. By 2013, we had 402 mail processing facilities consolidated; now we have 265. These closures have caused constant overtime and high transportation costs. Our PMG [Louis DeJoy] has plans to cut the Postal Service even further, compromising our national, public, and essential infrastructure. This will affect communities and jobs everywhere. The previous PMG slowed down first-class mail delivery by 3-5 days; now people are reporting first class delays of up to 14 days. This is frustrating postal consumers. We cannot let the Board of Governors and the new Postmaster General destroy the world’s finest postal system.

APWU.ORG Article #SaveThePostOffice

How to save the U.S. Postal Service, “the last holdout of true private communication”

Mark Dimondstein, president of the American Postal Workers Union, speaks to Democracy Now!

Mark Dimondstein explains that Mr. Trump’s remarks are part of his agenda to privatize the post office. Americans need to speak out to #SaveThePostalService