Electors in 50 States Officially Cast 306 Electoral Votes for President Elect Joe Biden Securing His Election Win


It’s Official: Electors throughout the 50 United States cast their electoral votes today, December 14, 2020, for Joe Biden and Donald Trump. As the day progressed, electors from East to West and North to South voted according to how each state’s U.S. Citizens voted in the November 3rd, 2020 election. Joe Biden received 306 electoral votes, Donald Trump received 232 electoral votes confirming that Joe Biden is the 46th President of The United States who will be inaugurated on January 20th, 2021 together with Vice President Elect Kamala Harris.

Biden Delivers Remarks On Electoral College Vote Certification | NBC News
Watch as President-elect Joe Biden speaks from Wilmington, De., after the electoral college voted to make his victory in the 2020 election official.

Co-Founder of The Lincoln Project Talks About Preserving American Democracy on Amanpour & Co.

Lincoln Project’s Steve Schmidt: American Democracy Was Deliberately Poisoned | Amanpour and Company

President Trump’s impact on the Republican Party will be studied for decades to come. History will look not only at who joined the GOP in the Trump era, but also who left it. Steve Schmidt is among the latter. For decades a communications strategist working for President George W. Bush and Senator John McCain, Schmidt now denounces the party he once loved. He’s a co-founder of The Lincoln Project, a political action committee formed in 2019 by a group of Republicans determined to defeat Trump in the 2020 election. He joins Michel Martin to explain what’s next for the project and for the Party — and to discuss the struggle to preserve American democracy. Originally aired on December 8, 2020.

Is Trump Refusing to Officially Concede the Election Because Grifting his Supporters is Just Too Good To Stop Now?

Well, Yes, it certainly seems that way for Trump.

The Big Trump Swindle

#Corruption #Grift #DonaldTrump
The Real Reason Trump Won’t Concede | Robert Reich
Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich exposes how Trump is swindling his supporters through his meaningless “Official Election Defense Fund”.

Joe Biden has decisively won the presidency. There is no way for Trump to overturn the results of the election, and his campaign’s post-election lawsuits have gotten dismissed left and right. That hasn’t stopped him from launching an “Official Election Defense Fund” and bombarding his supporters with fundraising appeals to supposedly finance the campaign’s ongoing litigation efforts…

A supporter would have to individually donate over $8,000 before any money goes to the fund they think they’re supporting.

Robert Reich, Former Labor Secretary: The Real Reason Trump Won’t Concede

It’s Time to Start Conversations to Heal Our Nation

How To Talk To Your MAGA Friends & Family
Art Markman, Ph.D. breaks down how to talk to your MAGA family & friends

America Deserves a Smooth Peaceful Transition of Power from Trump to Biden Starting Now


It’s time for the Trump administration to provide full authorization and funding for the Biden Transition Team’s efforts to get up to speed now in preparation for Biden’s inauguration on January 20, 2021. Biden won the November 3, 2020 election getting 306 electoral votes and over 78.6 million votes.

The Trump Fraud about Voter Fraud

According to the New York Times:

Behind Trump’s Yearslong Effort to Turn Losing Into Winning –

The New York Times, Nov. 15, 2020

Obscured by the postelection noise over the president’s efforts to falsely portray the election system as “rigged” against him has been how much Mr. Trump and his allies did ahead of time to promote a baseless conspiracy devised to appeal to his most passionate supporters, providing him with the opportunity to make his historically anomalous bid to cling to power in the face of defeat.

The New York Times | Behind Trumps Years long Effort to Turn Losing Into Winning

Trump political theatre is tiresome and dangerous to our democracy. It’s time for Trump and his proxies to face reality and stand back from their false claims about the election. They are only using the echo chamber of social media and some news organizations to promote their ridiculous and baseless attacks on our election system.

Barack Obama’s advice to Donald Trump:

The advice Barack Obama would give President Trump | 60 Minutes November 15, 2020
“When your time is up then it is your job to put the country first and think beyond your own ego,” Obama says. https://cbsn.ws/3kyvQRG

The Fake Trope of Trump Talking Points about “Legal Ballots”

Why do Trump folks and their proxies keep claiming in their vacuous talking points that the only so-called “legal ballots” are those cast for their guy?

This is America. The election was fair and free. Just because Trump and his folks are unhappy about the results fail to make them less legal. It just shows how Trump is a sore loser.

Note to Trump:

It is now time to release funds to the Biden Transition Team and give them full access to information for a smooth and peaceful transition. Even Charles Koch, one of the biggest Republican funders in recent U.S. history, congratulated Joe Biden and said:

“We certainly want to congratulate Biden and Harris for this historic win,” Koch said in a Zoom interview on Wednesday, even as most Republican lawmakers have yet to publicly acknowledge the electoral reality and the White House blocks the transition from moving ahead. “We’re going to be looking for common ground and things that we can work together on for as many issues as possible.”

The Daily 202: Charles Koch congratulates Biden and says he wants to work together on ‘as many issues as possible’ | Washington Post | November 13, 2020
Michael Stokes, CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Biden won the election and Trump holes up in his own personal bunker in his mind


Enough already! It’s time for the adults in the room to notify Donald Trump that he has to stop his temper tantrums where in fits of anger, revenge, refusal to face reality, grief over losing the election, and ‘fill-in-the-blank’ reasons, he fires top leaders in his administration and installs political toadies and hacks who have no experience to be in those positions. The problem is when it comes to our Defense Department and intelligence positions, this is dangerous for the U.S., Democracy and the world.

Then there’s Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and the Republican spineless crew that refuse to speak truth to Trump that it’s time for him to grow up and stop acting like a two-bit dictator because he lost the election.

Joe Biden Assembles a Pandemic Task Force: While the pandemic is raging in the U.S. and we have more people infected and dead from COVID-19 than anywhere in the world, Trump is acting less like a leader of the U.S. and more like a child having a meltdown because someone else won at the party. The only person acting like a real president and leader is President-elect Joe Biden who has already appointed a special pandemic task force of people who actually have expertise in science and medicine. Biden’s pandemic task force has no requirement for it’s members to sign a loyalty oath. That’s refreshing! So far, Joe Biden, being the responsible adult in the room, is urging everyone in the U.S. to wear a mask to save thousands of lives. Wearing a face mask has been proven to increase the chances of protecting the wearer from COVID-19 infection and also from the mask-wearer from possibly infecting others. That’s a good thing.

Joe Biden assembles “pandemic taskforce” ahead of taking office – BBC News, Nov. 9, 2020

Georgia: Battleground Election to Determine Control of the U.S. Senate

The reality is that Republicans still have no guarantee that they will retain control over the U.S. Senate. There is a good chance that if Democrats can register voters and turn out the vote for the January 2021 Senate Georgia Run-off election, they will be able to take back the Senate. Also, Alaska still has thousands of mail-in ballots to count beginning on Thursday, November 12, 2020 when all mail-in ballots must be received.

Meanwhile, what the heck is Trump trying to do? Is he doing a slow moving coup? Is he lying to the public to raise money for his lawsuits and debts and, therefore, trying to keep his base upset so Trump can still collect money for his own personal purposes? Or, is Trump really trying to set the stage to refuse to leave the White House?

Dahlia Lithwick: Trump’s Ridiculous Coup Attempt Will Fail, But It Will Hurt Democracy in Long Run | Democracy Now! November 11, 2020

As President Trump continues to launch baseless accusations of widespread voter fraud in the presidential election, Democratic and Republican election officials across the United States have told The New York Times they uncovered no evidence to support Trump’s claims. Despite his electoral defeat, Trump has not conceded, and his administration is proceeding as though it will continue into a second term, blocking President-elect Joe Biden from accessing government funding and other resources for a smooth transition. “The entire country is trying to figure out: Is this just going to go away?” says Dahlia Lithwick, senior editor at Slate magazine. “Or are we really in this slow-rolling denialist attempt to give this man a second term?”

Democracy Now! Interview with Dahlia Lithwick

Are Trump and Barr abusing their power by trying to block states from counting and certifying their citizens’ legally cast ballots?


Here we are, November 9, 2020, and Donald Trump, as we were warned by Mary Trump, psychologist and Trump’s niece, seems to be in denial and trying to interfere with the November 3, 2020 election because there’s only one way Trump told us he would accept the election…if he won.

Note to Donald Trump: That’s not how Democracy works. The voters in a Democracy choose their president and other leaders and it’s clear that in multiple states, you, Mr. Trump, have lost the election. When all the votes are counted, it will be even more clear that Joe Biden will have won by an even larger margin than today. Currently, Joe Biden, President-elect, has 279 electoral votes and when all votes are counted that amount will most likely exceed 300+ electoral votes.

Is Trump a Sore Loser?

Trump’s bizarre behavior enabled by some of his family members, William Barr, and those unwilling to accept the reality of facts and truth, are abusing their power and our U.S. taxpayer dollars by getting William Barr to use our U.S. Justice Department to attack state election officials, who properly administered their state elections. Meanwhile, Trump’s proxies are going around the country promoting baseless stories regarding the election.

Truth: One Person, One Vote, is the bedrock of our Democracy

Here are the Facts about State Elections Vote Counting:

  1. Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada all allow representatives of each political party to have observers view the vote count.
  2. Some or all of these states also have a live video feed of the ballot counting that other people can watch of dedicated election workers tirelessly counting the votes and/or processing the mail-in ballots to be prepared to be counted by machines.
#Wisconsin #Election2020 #Election
Wisconsin Chief Election Official Responds to Trump’s ‘Insulting’ Accusations | NowThis, Nov. 5, 2020
Georgia officials’ election update | ABC News Nov. 5, 2020
Georgia Voting System Implementation Manager, Gabriel Sterling, “We more appreciate accuracy…key to all of our process.”
PA officials discuss votes in process of being counted | AP | Nov. 9, 2020
“We’re going to count the votes and we’re going to end up at the end. But it’s going to be accurate and we will continue to give you information as it becomes available,” said Philadelphia Commissioner Lisa Marie Deeley during a news conference this morning.

This is How Democracy Works: These presidential candidates show us how to handle peaceful transition of power and accepting reality when the voters speak through casting their ballots:

How to concede a presidential election | CNN on Nov. 4, 2016
A look back at presidential election concession moments since 1960, starting with Richard Nixon and ending with Mitt Romney.

Robert De Niro Speaks Out about Donald Trump to Ari Melber


Joe Biden, now President-elect, as of November 7, 2020, surpassed the necessary 270 electoral votes to win the U.S. Presidency in the November 3, 2020 election. The votes including Nevada and Pennsylvania brought Biden from 253 electoral votes to 279 electoral votes. Even when there was a question about the 2016 election during recounts in MI, WI and PA, President Barack Obama ensured there was a smooth transition to whoever would be the next President of the United States. Donald Trump, however, has yet to provide funds so far for a smooth transition.

Instead, today, Trump fired Secretary of Defense, Mark Esper, and threatened to fire CIA Chief, Christopher Wray. His appointee at the General Services Administration has refused to date to sign a document to release necessary funds to the President-elect transition.

Robert De Niro interviewed by Ari Melber on November 9, 2020 on MSNBC expressed relief that Joe Biden is President-Elect. De Niro said that the entire country has been in an “abusive relationship” with Trump:

“Well, I’m relieved, very very relieved.

It’s like being in an abusive relationship. We don’t know what’s going on from one day to the next. I don’t even think he knows what’s going on.”

Robert De Niro interview with Ari Melber on MSNBC, Nov. 9, 2020
#DonaldTrump #RobertDeNiro #MSNBC
As Trump Loses WH, Robert De Niro Shares Relief And The Hope For Accountability | MSNBC
Nov. 9, 2020

In an earlier interview with Lawrence O’Donnell in June 2020 Robert De Niro tells O’Donnell that he is hopeful for the future because people are standing up to Donald Trump. Aired on 6/11//2020.

Robert De Niro: ‘People Have To Take A Stand’ | The Last Word | MSNBC, June 11, 2020

Breaking News: Donald Trump Fires Defense Secretary Mark Esper.

Donald Trump Fires Defense Secretary Mark Esper | MTP Daily | MSNBC
#DonaldTrump #MarkEsper #MSNBC