Trump Needs to Resign or Be Removed by Impeachment or the 25th Amendment Before 1/20/21


Today, January 6, 2021, Trump incited his protestors to violence and seditious acts. Trump’s supporters breached the Capitol building, attacked police and bystanders, destroyed government property, defiled spaces of various politicians and bragged about their lawlessness on social media. Trump gave an incendiary ranting speech in front of the White House today, and his base then rushed to the Capitol to display their displeasure that lawmakers were in session counting the electoral votes that would ensure Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would be installed on January 20, 2021 as President and Vice President.

It’s over. It’s time that Donald Trump stop whining and moping and being a poor loser. He lost the 2020 election legally. It’s time for him to accept reality, concede graciously and prepare to move on and move out of the White House. Just as President Barack Obama ensured a seamless transition in 2016 through January 20, 2017, Donald Trump needs to ensure Joe Biden has everything he needs to be ready to take over on day one.

If Trump continues to refuse to assist in a peaceful transition of power, he needs to be removed from office or forced to resign immediately. As we experienced today, 1/6/21, Trump is a danger to Democracy. He committed seditious acts today. There needs to be a full investigation into whether this event was planned behind the scenes and if people within the Capitol planned to let protestors freely breach the restricted areas. Why are some police seen taking selfies with protestors?

The events that occurred today in Washington DC are abnormal. Trump’s behavior is abnormal.

Moments ago Joe Biden formally received over 306 electoral votes overseen by Vice President Mike Pence in the Joint Session of Congress. If Trump still refuses to accept that Joe Biden is the lawfully elected President, then Trump needs to be removed from office before he does more damage to our democracy. He is unfit.

Politico reported today, 1/6/21:

“Donald Trump caused this insurrection with lies and conspiracy theories about the election being rigged against him,” said Scott Jennings, a former aide to President George W. Bush who is close to the Trump White House. “The election was not stolen but this madness was fomented by the president and his advisors.”

‘He screwed the country’: Trump loyalty disintegrates
by Gabby Orr, Anita Kumar and Meridith McGraw 1/06/2021 | politico

President-elect Joe Biden addresses the nation in midst of Trump protestors breaking into the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

#CNN #News
See Biden’s speech as rioters invade Capitol

President-elect Joe Biden speaks as a pro-Trump mob invades the US Capitol as Congress was trying to certify the 2020 election.