It’s Time For Donald Trump To Concede because He Lost the Election


Elections do have consequences, and it’s time for Donald Trump and his enablers to move on and allow the Biden transition team to have full access to everything, including the inauguration funds to prepare for Joe Biden’s inauguration. The fact that Donald Trump is trying to incite people to try to undo the will of the people is shocking and wrong.

Everyone has a right to free speech. However, when people threaten others as Trump’s followers have done to many hard-working election officials, both Democrats and Republicans, this is anti-democracy.

It’s time for the Republican Senate including Mitch McConnell to find their courage and stand up to Donald Trump and stop lying to Americans about the election. Biden won with 306 electoral votes and by over 7 million more votes than Trump.

It’s time to heal our nation and come together and work together for the common good.

Trump is Lying to the Public to Raise Money for Himself

So far, Trump has raised over $207 Million dollars since the November 3rd election. Where will this money go? Will it go to Trump directly and Republicans? I feel sorry for the people used by Trump to fill his coffers.

There are people who profit from promoting hate and division. There are people who use culture wars deliberately to distract from the real issues confronting America. As Robert Reich noted, if we can spend $2 Billion dollars a day on the Pentagon, we can find money to provide assistance to average people who aren’t billionaires or millionaires at this time.

#Trump #Election #MSNBC
Election Attorney Laments Anti-Democracy Trump Followers | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Marc Elias, founder of Democracy Docket and a veteran Democratic voting rights attorney who has played a key role in fighting Donald Trump’s bogus election challenges, talks with Rachel Maddow about how troubling it is that Republicans were so ready to discard democracy and fall in step behind Trump. Aired on 12/12/2020.