Trump decided it was OK to spread COVID-19 and infect people…


Today, evidence surfaced from emails that proved Trump subscribed to infecting as many people as possible from “advisors” who said “herd immunity” was OK without a vaccine. With over 300,000 Americans dead from Covid-19, the Trump “herd immunity” without vaccine policy basically is mass murder. Even though there are emails that support this view, now that the emails have surfaced, the Trump administration denies this. However, Trump is on videotape talking about “herd immunity” earlier this year.

When real scientists talk about “herd immunity” it is always coupled with vaccines. The idea is that when more people are vaccinated against a particular illness, there will be “herd immunity” from that disease. However, some crackpot advisors like Dr. Atlas and Paul Alexander in the Trump administration called for “herd immunity” without vaccines because it would take too long to wait for a vaccine. Emails released today show the back story about the Trump administration’s possible national policy of being fine with killing people through herd immunity without vaccines because of the “economy”. There is no other way to spin this.

The Remedy

We need a COVID-19 Commission to study how, why, and what the Trump administration did, didn’t do, and what happened that caused the U.S. to have the most infections in the world and the most deaths of any other country. This is a badge of disgrace that the outgoing Trump administration will bear forever. We need to make sure going forward that no future U.S. administrations make the same mistakes and policy decisions that the Trump administration made that resulted in possibly hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths during a pandemic.

#ChrisHayes #TrumpCovidPlan #MSNBC
‘We Want Them Infected’: Chris Hayes On Emails Revealing Truth Of Trump Covid Plan | All In | MSNBC
Chris Hayes: “Donald Trump and our government under his leadership explicitly pursued a strategy to spread the virus, to get more people sick. They took the side of Covid. They had the same aims as the virus. They were—as I said before—objectively pro-Covid.” Aired on 12/16/2020.
Trump Adopts Herd Immunity Covid Strategy Pushed By Fox News Doctor | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Rachel Maddow looks at what appears to be a deliberately poor job the Trump administration has done containing the coronavirus, the advocacy of Donald Trump’s preferred Fox News doctor, and the blurted comments by Trump himself to conclude that the U.S. is pursuing a herd immunity strategy. Aired on 09/16/2020.

Trump is on videotape talking about “herd” mentality which he meant to say as herd immunity.

Trump on Fox News: “Once you get to a certain number, it’s called “herd”, it’s going to go away.”

Trump: It would go away without the vaccine, George. But, it’s going to go away a lot faster with it.

Stephanopoulos: It will go away without the vaccine?

Trump: Sure, over a period of time. Sure, with time.

Stephanopoulos: With how many deaths?

Trump: Sure. You’ll develop like a “herd mentality.” It will be herd developed. And that’s going to happen. That will happen.

Trump speaking to FOX News and ABC News in Maddow Report about
Trump “Herd Immunity” policy /Strategy for Covid19 | Sept 19, 2020

Politico article by Dan Diamond today, 12/16/20: ‘We Want them infected’: Trump appointee demanded ‘herd immunity’ strategy

“Then science advisor called for millions of Americans to be infected as means of fighting Covid-19”

“Infants, kids, teens, young people, young adults, middle aged with no conditions etc. have zero to little risk….so we use them to develop herd…we want them infected…” Alexander added.

Politico Article “We Want Them Infected”…