Joe Biden President-Elect Announced by AP and Networks today November 7, 2020


Millions of people around the United States and the world are dancing in the streets and feeling relief today as former VP Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won at least 279 electoral votes and are on their way to exceed 300+ electoral votes with Nevada and Georgia!

Thank you to all the dedicated US postal workers who helped deliver mail-in ballots to elections officials despite the obstacles put up by Postmaster General DeJoy and his proxies. With Biden in the White House there will be more efforts to help the important US Postal Service thrive. We have seen through this election in the midst of the pandemic how crucial our USPS is for the original mission of binding up this nation in good communication.

Today is a Great Day for Democracy! Joe Biden and Kamala Harris received more votes than any President and Vice President in the history of the U.S. and still counting!

Live: Celebrations Around The U.S. As Joe Biden Projected President-Elect | NBC News
Biden: ‘I Am Honored And Humbled’ | NBC News

Let the Healing Begin!