Enough is Enough: It’s time to return to respect for each other and civility


The FBI started an investigation into the dangerous interference by a Trump flag-waving caravan trying to push a Biden Harris Campaign bus off the highway in Texas on Friday, October 30, 2020.

How did we get to this point where the FBI has to investigate why supporters of Donald Trump decided to ram into a Biden staffer’s white car? Why did the black truck of the Trump caravan decide to hem in the Biden bus and then push the Biden staffer’s car out of the lane damaging the car and almost causing a multi-vehicle accident?

Trump Train’ Ambushes Biden-Harris Campaign Bus in Texas | NowThis

The election is one day away. It’s time to vote out Trump and his destructive administration. Your Vote Matters. Make Your Vote Count.

Joe Biden will bring this nation together. He will be the President for all Americans.

Save the US Postal Service

Joe Biden will support the US Postal service and its dedicated postal workers. A vote for Joe Biden is a vote to protect the US Postal Service.

The National Postal Mail Handlers Union (NPMHU) Support Joe Biden:

A statement published on the NPMHU website of the NPMHU included the following comments:

“President Trump further attacked the Postal Service in the media, calling it a “joke.” Our union knows how dedicated mail handlers and all postal employees are to their jobs; we take our work seriously. We ensure that every single American household and business receive their mail. We deliver needed medication to the elderly and our veterans. We make sure Social Security and Medicare checks get out on time. We deliver home goods to the house-bound during the pandemic. We keep family and friends connected.” 

“Joe Biden has a history of supporting the United States Postal Service and postal workers and has committed to supporting the dedicated men and women of USPS. As a Senator, he fought against privatization; spoke out on the need for a six-day delivery; and has committed to protecting the universal service obligation, ensuring that every American, regardless if they are in urban, suburban, or rural areas, gets the same quality service. Joe Biden will support putting the Postal Service on a sustainable path forward and will ensure quality service continues.” 

“Additionally, Joe Biden is a proven advocate for members of the labor movement, understanding its value to the growth of the middle class with the development of paid-leave, health and retirement benefit provisions, and the 40-hour work week. In contrast to the Trump Administration’s attacks on collective bargaining rights through the use of executive orders, Joe Biden will be a leader who will support and protect the men and women of labor. ” 

Furthermore, Joe Biden picked a pro-postal, pro-labor running mate with Senator Kamala Harris. Currently, she’s the co-sponsor of several pieces of legislation protecting USPS from privatization; supporting the organization rights of public sector employees; and aiding the Postal Service through emergency appropriations in response to the coronavirus pandemic. 

We’re facing a turning point in postal history. We need strong leadership that will have our backs. I urge every member of NPMHU to support Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, just as they’ll support us. 

National Postal Mail Handlers Union Endorse Joe Biden 2020
Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Designed by Robert Hallock., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons